The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Decision

The decision of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research – PDF

No. (247/2014)

On the Establishment of the Libyan Center for Tamazight Studies

Minister of Education and Scientific Research : –

Having reviewed the Constitutional Declaration of the National Transitional Council issued on 03/08/2011.

The State’s financial law, its budget, accounts and warehouses regulation and their amendments ;

Law No. (18/2010) on education .

The decision of the National General Conference No. (10/2012). regarding the granting of confidence to the Interim Government .

And the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (165/ 2012) concerning the reorganization of the National Authority for Scientific Research .

And the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (96/2012) approving the organizational structure and competencies of the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research and organizing its administrative apparatus .

And the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (281/ 2013 regarding the reorganization of the National Authority for Scientific Research .

The decision of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. (576/2012) on the formation of the organizational structure of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research .

Based on what has been presented by the Deputy to the General Director of the Libyan Authority for Research, Science and Technology No. (371-3)issued on (27/08/2013).

The memorandum of the Advisor to the Director of the Deputy Prime Minister for Development Affairs Office No. (1352) dated (19/2/2014 ).


Article (1)

Under this decision, a research center named the ( Libyan Center for Amazigh Studies ) is hereby established, enjoying a legal character and independent financial disclosure , affiliated to the Libyan Authority for Research, Science and Technology .

Article (2)

The headquarters of the Center shall be in Tripoli and branches or offices in other cities may be opened by a decision of the Director General of the Libyan Authority for Research, Science and Technology .


Article (3)


In particular, the Center shall :

  • Prepare researches and studies in the Amazigh language along with the related linguistic and grammatical studies and related lexical and dictionary studies, including the field of electronic linguistics and the virtual world .
  • Propose the comprehensive policy in the field of the Center’s work, setting the plans and their executive programs, following their approval by the National authority for Scientific Research .
  • Prepare plans, programs and projects for the work of the Center and supervise their implementation after being approved by the Libyan authority for Research, Science and Technology .
  • Conducting studies, authoring and publishing in its field in various written forms ( books, articles, letters, theses or digital publications ) or audiovisual, etc. to convey knowledge and information to the community and to benefit from them.
  • Organize workshops, seminars and scientific conferences .
  • Apply the necessary conditions, criteria and standards to carry out the activity of the Center and follow-up, in coordination with the relevant authorities .
  • Contribute to the development and improvement of relations with international and regional organizations in the field of work of the Center, and propose to conclude agreements with the approval of the Libyan Authority for Research, Science and Technology and implementation with the relevant authorities within the legislation in force in particular .
  • Cooperate with scientific research institutions and exchange information and experts with local and international counterparts .

Article (4)


The organizational structure of the center consists of a number of administrative divisions to be adopted by a decision to be issued by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research ,based on an proposal from the Director General of the Libyan Authority for Research, Science and Technology .


Article (5)


The Center shall have a Director who shall exercise its functions in accordance with the legislation in force and shall be nominated by a decision issued by the Director General of the Libyan Authority for Research, Science and Technology upon the proposal of the Director General of the Research Centers .


Article (6)


The Director of the Center shall be assigned with the following:

  • Supervising the work of the Center .
  • Signing contracts and decisions taken by the Center and taking the necessary measures to implement them .
  • Representing the Center in its contacts with others and before the courts .
  • Prepare the budget, the final account, and the budgets for presentation to the management of the Libyan Authority for Research, Science and Technology .
  • Prepare regulations and systems of the Center for presenting them to administration of the Libyan Authority for Research, Science and Technology .
  • The formation of scientific research committees and task forces and to designate those involved.
  • Prepare periodic and non-periodic reports on the work of the Center and the work required of it for presenting the same to the administration of the Libyan Authority for Research, Science and Technology and the competent authorities .
  • Exercise competencies related to personnel and collaborators with the Center .
  • Other matters under the legislation in force .

Article (7)


The Center shall have an independent budget prepared in accordance with the applicable accounting systems. The fiscal year shall commence with the fiscal year of the State and shall end with its end. The budget shall be prepared at least three months before the beginning of the fiscal year .



Article (8)


The financial resources of the Center shall consist of the following :


  • Allocations included in the general budget of the State .
  • Donations, contributions and wills approved by the Board of Directors and not contrary to applicable laws and regulations .
  • Returns of the services provided in accordance with the legislation in force .

Article (9)


The Center shall have one or more bank accounts in a Libyan bank, in which its funds shall be deposited. Its revenues shall be transferred to the public treasury in accordance with the legislation in force .



Article (10)


This decision shall come into force from the date of its issuance and the competent authorities shall abide by it and implement it .



Mohamed Hassan Abobaker

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Issued in Tripoli on 27/03/2014


Decision of the Minister of Labor and Training


No. (291/2019)


Regarding the Approval of the Cadre of the Libyan Center for Amazigh Studies


Minister of Labor and Training


Having reviewed the Constitutional Declaration of August 3 , 2011 and its amendments ;

Law No. (12/2010), on the issuance of labor relations and its executive regulations

And the former- General People ‘s Committee decision No. (148/ 2011) on the rules of the organization and the preparation and implementation of cadres and job description .

And the Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord Resolution No. (4/ 2016), on forming a government of national accord .

And the Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord resolution No. (12/2016), on granting delegation of tasks .

And the Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord Resolution No. (478/2016), on assigning of tasks .

And the Presidential Council Resolution No. (503) for the year 2016 AD, corrected its Resolution No. (478) for the year 2016 AD, on commissioning tasks .

And the Presidential Council of the Government of national accord Resolution No. (246/2017) on commissioning tasks .

And the Presidential Council of the Government of national accord Resolution No. (465/ 2017) on assigning of tasks .

And the Presidential Council of the Government of national accord Resolution No. (800/2018) on the approval of the organizational structure of the Ministry of Labor and training .

And the decision of the Minister of Labor and training No. (234/ 2018) concerning the approval option of the internal organization of the Ministry of Labor and training .

And the letter of the Director General of the Libyan Center for Amazigh Studies No. (72/ 2019) on 25/08/2019

On the director of administrative organization and cadres of ref. (a. V. M. / 855) dated 09/09/2019

The director of the Office of the Minister of Labor and training No. ( m . G .830) on 09.08.2019 .

And the annotation of the Minister of Labor and Rehabilitation .

” Decide ”


Article ( 1 )


The cadre of the Libyan Center for Amazigh Studies is hereby approved within a total of (275) two hundred and seventy – five positions according to the attached list (positions only).

Article ( 2 )


No vacant posts approved within the cadre shall be assigned, in any way of assigning the public positions, prior to presenting the same before the Personnel Committee of the Center and subject to meeting the requirement of the position provided for in legislation in force, and the deployment shall be made through the department of administrative organization and cadres within the Ministry of Labor and training.

Article ( 3 )

This decision shall come into force from the date of its issuance and the competent authorities shall implement it.

Dr.. Mahdi Lameen


Minister of Labor and training   / Aurhorized

Decision of the Chairman and Director General of the Authority for Science and Technology Researches 

No. (44/ 2019)

Regarding the approval of the organizational structure of the Libyan Center for Amazigh Studies

Having reviewed:


–   The Constitutional Declaration issued in Benghazi on 3/8/2011 and its amendments.


–   Law of the financial system of the State budget , accounts and warehouses regulation and.


–   Law No. 12 / 2010 on the Labor Relations .


–   Decision of the General People’s Committee (formerly) No. (595/ 2010) , regarding the issuance of the executive regulation of Law No. (12/2010).


–   Resolution of the Supreme Committee of the National Authority for Research No. (2/2010), on the restructuring of the administrative structure of the National Authority for Scientific Research.


–   General People’s Committee(formerly) Decision No. (435/ 2008) on increasing salaries of faculty members.


–   General People’s Committee(formerly) Decision No. (501/ 2010) on the regulation of higher education.


–   Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (166/2012) on issuing the regulation of scientific research.


– the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (215/ 2014) on the establishment of the Higher Council for Scientific Research .


–   The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (350/2014) on the nomination of the Director General of the Authority.


–   Resolution of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. (247 2014) on the establishment of the Libyan Center for Amazigh Studies.


–   The letter of the Director of the Organization and Cadres Department at the Ministry of Labor and training , with reference number 437 dated 30/1/2018, on providing a technical opinion.


–   And the minutes of the first meeting of the Board of Directors of the Natural Authority for Science and Technology Researches for the year 2018 held on 30/1/2018.


Article (1)


The Center aims to promote theoretical researches and studies in the scientific fields that fall within the scope of its competence, in accordance with the decision of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. (247/2014), referred to in the introduction to this resolution.


Article (2)


The organizational structure of the Libyan Center for Amazigh Studies consists of the following organizational divisions:


1 – Director General of the Center .


2 – Office of the Director General of the Center .


  1. Office of Legal Affairs .


4 – Quality Assurance Office .


  1. Office of Planning and Follow-up .


  1. Office of Internal Audit .


  1. Office of Information and Information Technology .


  1. Office for International Cooperation .


9 – Training and Development Office .


  1. Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs .


10-1: Administrative Affairs Section .


10-2: Financial Affairs Section .


10-3: Technical Affairs Section .


10-4: Public Relations and Services Section .


  1. Department of Research :


11-1: Department of Toponomia and Archeology .


11-2: Department of Linguistics and Phonetics .


11-3: Department of Literature and Amazigh heritage .


11-4: Department of Education ( pedagogy ) and teaching the Amazigh language .


Article (3)


Director General of the Center


He shall manage the affairs of the Center and its administration along with supervising all the main departments . He shall exercise all the competencies prescribed for him and stipulated in the decision of establishing the Center, in accordance with the legislation in force . He shall , in particular, authorized to carry out the following:

  • Following up the progress of researches and studies related to the Center’s activities .
  • Propose scientific research in the field of the center within the framework of the general strategy for scientific research and its requirements and develop programs to implement them according to the importance and annual budget .
  • Take all necessary measures to provide the center needs .
  • Identify the criteria and rules required to conduct research in Amazigh studies and take the necessary measures to put them into practice .
  • Forming scientific, technical and administrative committees that will achieve the objectives of the Center and approve their minutes .
  • Issuing the financial and administrative regulations of the Center in a manner that does not contradict with the provisions of the legislation regulating each one of them .
  • Propose the estimated budget of the Center, its final account, and review the annual report of the Center .

Article (18)

A committee called “the Personnel Affairs Committee” shall be formed by a decision of the Director General of the Center, which shall consider all the functional matters in the Center and the like, in accordance with the provisions of the labor relations law and its executive regulations .


Article (19)

A committee called “the Committee of Academic Staff Members and Scientific Researchers” shall be formed. It shall be responsible for the deployment and promotion of faculty members, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force .

Article ( 20 )

The Center shall prepare the regulations governing its activities and relations with third parties in accordance with the legislation in force .

Article (21)

This decision shall be applicable on the date of its issue and be implemented of those involved in its provisions.

Processor, Faisal Abdul Adeem Abdali

Chairman of the Board and Director General of the Authority


Issued on 02/02/2019


The State Of Libya

the Authority for Natural Science and Technology Researches

The Libyan Center For Amazeghi Studies

Statement of the Positions Within the Cadre



Number of Positions staffed Vacant
275 0 275


The State of Libya

the Libyan Center for Amazighi Studies


The Cadre of the Center



General Director

Of the Center

The General Director of the Center
Planning and Follow up Office Internal e

Editing Office

Legal Affairs Office The Office of The

General Director

Quality Assurance Office Information and Information Technology Office International Cooperation Office Training and Development


Studies and Research Department Administrative and Financial Department
Department of   Toponomia and Archeology Administrative and Personnel Affairs Department Financial Affairs Department The Department of Public Relations and Services Technical Affairs Department
Linguistics and phonetics Department Archive Unit Budget and Accounts Unit Public Relations Unit
Department of Literature and the Amazeghi heritage Personnel Affairs Unit Salaries and Daily Expenses Unit Public Services Unit
Department of Education ( pedagogy ) and Language teaching Credits Unit Safety and Security Unit
Treasury Unit Traffic and Maintenance Unit
Purchasing and Warehouses Unit