مشاركة الدكتور فتحي بوزخار بجامعة نابولي بورقة: الأمازيغ والعدالة الإنتقالية بعد2011
Amazigh and the Transitional Justice in Libya
Transitional justice was an unknown term to Libyans until 2011. No Peace without Justice was the first active organisation who introduced and raised the issue of Traditional Justice. However, after undergoing discussions to clarify the term transitional justice, the author thought that the first duty of the Truth Commission is to document the unfair treatment to Amazigh indigenous people. This was not accepted, with no justification.
Moreover, the reality was far from the expectations of the author and discussions didn’t pay attention to the rights of indigenous Amazigh even though the author raised for many times. The Abuse of Amazigh, the indigenous peoples of Libya, by forbidden them from reservation of their language and culture by issuing laws that stop them from doing so.
This paper will discuss the author’s experience with the transitional justice and present the expectations of the aid and role of the transitional justice process for the Amazigh indigenous people, to stop abusing them and gain rights.
Teaching Tamazight language in the new Libya
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The experience of teaching Tamazight language appeared to light at the dawn of the February 17 uprising, and the torchlight of its enlightenment was carried by a small group of those who were reconciled with themselves and who believed in the necessity, even inevitability, of its teaching. And since the experience of her birth came from the womb of suffering and ignorance of the Libyan nation, it was difficult, arduous and strenuous. It was not welcomed by the traditional Libyan state administrations, but the conditions for the participation of the Amazigh in the war against the security battalions of the dictator Muammar Gaddafi, and their prominent role in the liberation of Tripoli, legitimized the acceptance of its teaching in public schools with the issuance of the General National Congress Law No. (18) of 2013 regarding the rights of cultural components. Since the experience came after centuries of absence, or rather absenteeism, the researcher believes that it is worthy of follow-up and study from time to time.
In this paper, a historical overview will be presented for the beginning of the features of Tamazight education in the beginning of the seventies of the last century, and how it evolved to become acceptable in public schools? and where did it reach after going through six years of experience? and what challenges did it face during its short career?